TT is trying to change so much that they are really breaking Is this the worst Lego game to date? No. So if i struggle a little, a child might lose his patience.
My only complaint, is that i found the controlls to be actually a little difficult to get used to aka, the item/character selection wheel, and i'm a 22 year old adult. This is by no stretch of the imagination a challenging game, it's very casual, but that is what the game is aimed at being, and it is not ashamed, or trying to disguise this. The game re-creates accurately scenes from the movie, and even contains nods to characters that only fans of the book would know. Graphically it's good, but as it is a lego game, there is naturally only so much that can be done. It has a lot of replayability, as do all lego games with their collectables, unlockable characters, and so on, it's lifespan goes beyond what most modern games have on offer. Enjoyed this game immensely, i'm not really it's target audience, which is children, but i can say that children would find this game very Enjoyed this game immensely, i'm not really it's target audience, which is children, but i can say that children would find this game very fun.